Corridor Alternatives Header
The objective of the I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study is to develop a “gateway” corridor solution for I-74 that will improve traffic flow, respect the environment, and enhance economic development in the Quad Cities region. To ensure that the best solution is identified, a broad array of alternatives will be developed and evaluated, with input from involved agencies, officials and the public.
Engineering principles and standards will provide the framework for the alternatives development process, thus ensuring that proposed solutions provide a safe and efficient transportation facility. Engineering alternatives will be developed in a manner to minimize community and environmental impacts, and complement community goals and objectives. Timely involvement of affected and interested agencies, officials, and the public will be encouraged to ensure that public input and opinions can be considered in the alternatives development and evaluation process.
A broad range of alternatives will be considered for the I-74 corridor. These are expected to include I-74 capacity improvements, interchange modifications, and realignment of I-74 across the Mississippi River. The study will focus on both improving traffic flow along the I-74 corridor, and on improving access to and from adjacent communities. Other strategies, such as traffic/incident management systems and bicycle/pedestrian facility improvements will also be considered.