Public Involveme nt

Public Involvement Header

The objective of public involvement is to provide interested groups and individuals with an opportunity to regularly participate in the project through a number of different channels. Below is a summary of communication tools that will be employed.

Project Web Site: Updated regularly, this Web site provides: an overview of the project; project materials, such as newsletters, reports, design concepts; and links to other Web sites. This site also includes an opportunity for the public to send comments and feedback to the project team as well as join a mailing list.

Phone Numbers: Call Catherine Cutler at the Iowa DOT to obtain project information at 800-866-4368 (toll free).

Project Newsletters: Distributed at key milestones to provide detailed information on project activities and progress.

Public Meetings: Held at key milestones to provide an opportunity to present project activities and findings, and interact directly with the public.

Media: Provide the media (newspaper, radio and television) with regular information on project progress and activities.

Small Group Meetings: Meetings with interested groups (i.e. municipal officials, neighborhood groups, business groups, etc.) to directly address concerns or issues.

Speakers’ Bureau: A presentation forum, updated regularly, for interaction with organized groups such as civic, business or other organizations, on project activities. If your group is interested in having the project team speak about the project, send us a request.